Thursday, September 11, 2008

Surgical Recovery

Seems to be going well.  I took a week of from work, and twitter.  I was tired, sore, uncomfortable.  I did work a little from home since I couldn't go into the office, but it was difficult to do my job while on narcotic pain killers.

I had my follow-up visit with the surgeon yesterday, who said I'm recovering nicely.  He's prescribed physical therapy, and as far as I know, I'll be going once a week (for now, anyway until they see what I need - I guess?).  The surgeon recommended low impact water aerobics and therapy.

I'm still using a crutch - but only because I don't trust myself not to fall on my face.  I can get around at home without it, but anywhere else I use it.  May go to a cane, depending on how therapy goes. 

OK well there's the whistle, time to head home and fix dinner.

We are having a potluck at work for my birthday (it's tomorrow), all you can eat appetizers.  I'm making my famous meatballs that makes Belinda think she's in heaven.  OH, and my famous spinach and artichoke dip too.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kerry at the Bees vs Sidewinders game

Kerry had a hard time seeing the batter, was kindof sad. The lady who sat in front of him invited him to sit on her row, since there was nobody in front of her and he could see really good. What a nice lady!

Skyler at the Bees vs Sidewinders game

My work took us to the Salt Lake Bees game. It was great. We won, 8-2.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Random phone photography

Random phone photography, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

Switched mobile carriers, but I definitely prefer the other camera, the Samsung. The razr just isn't as good as I would prefer.

More later, we have to get ready for a yard sale.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Where has the time gone?

What the...?? August is 1/2 over? GEEZ. Look what happens when you don't pay attention.

Knee surgery is on the 29th, so I'm sure you'll get your fix with my updates then.

School starts on the 25th, yay.

More.... eventually. Sorry!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ustream has changed their layout. I don't like it!

I don't like the new layout. I used to be able to find shows that I wanted to watch with the scrolling bar. Yeah, it might not have been that effective but I was used to it!! Dang. :(

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fourth of July, Recipes and Canada Day

So I get an email from my sister wondering what we are doing for the 4th. I figured we'd clean out my mom's garage and get ready for a yard sale. She's tired of looking at all the rest of my stuff that won't fit in my apartment. So, we have this great lineup of activities. I bought some fireworks... so we are going to have our own little program, and I plan on playing my kid's favorite CD along with it so maybe it will seem like this big awesome thing. Not to compete with Miley Cyrus and the Stadium of Fire 2008 @ Lavell Edwards Stadium... but I can't afford the tickets! So we will do our own and I'll dress like Hanna Montana. Kidding. I can't afford to go anywhere, either. My mom heard that by December gas will be $7/gal. I was talking to a girl at work and she said she might start digging in her backyard for oil since gas is so expensive with no relief in sight... and it reminded me of this:

YouTube Video - The Beverly Hillbillies

So if anyone has suggestions on how to survive with the rising costs of energy, I'm all ears.

I have a great recipe we'll be doing this week for The Brownie Show, so please make sure and tune in. I'm always up for trying new things, so if you've got a brownie recipe you don't dare try, or one that is your favorite that you'd like to share, please send it to me and we can include it in a future episode.

I'm also looking for pasta recipes to be in a new show. Please send your favorites!

Questions? Comments? Feel free to write.

PS: Happy Canada Day. I ate pancakes & Canadian Bacon with maple syrup while humming O Canada. Friday, I will be singing all US patriotic songs. Move over Shania. Watch my stream, you might catch me making a fool of myself! (There's a copy at the bottom of my blog)

What should I do for a second job?

I'm wondering how in the world I am going to make ends meet. Gas has gone up so high, and I have a V6 engine. I'd do anything to trade the thing in for some little 4 cyl.

I am also thinking of going back to school, but I don't know what courses to take. I am having a hard time with my kids as it is, I'm away from home too much I think.

Enough rambling for 1:30 am I guess.

Oh, about the Brownie Show.... We've had some things going on here lately that has made it so I haven't been able to stay up late making brownies. But we will be doing it this weekend, we are making Rocky Road brownies, so mark your calendars!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Why am I awake at 4am?

Good question. I had some work to do with laundry and the computer, so I was able to stay busy for a bit. I would rather be in bed though.

I've not had The Brownie Show for two weeks now - last week we went to Lagoon (for those of you that don't know what it is, it's a 6-flags wannabe) and this week I had too many other things going on. I'm planning on rescheduling it anyway, I just don't know when would be best. So, that is still under construction.

My mom has decided to stop selling candy through her website and asked me to take it down. While I have my own personal issues about that, it might be for the best. It has been interesting though, she has been getting orders from out of nowhere, from clear across the country. I never advertised her website... for a couple of reasons. The biggest one was that my mom and dad never provided me with the photos I needed for the site. After he passed away, my mom has avoided the shop like the plague. Now, she wants to sell the house and stop making candy. I know she loves to do it, but now she just doesn't want to. How can I possibly fix that? As a single working mom I don't have much time to help her. I have too many things of my own to take care of. However, I would love to learn the business so I can take over for her. But if she's not making candy orders, there's no need to make candy, and no need for me to learn recipes or techniques.

With both of my uncles in bad health (one has bone cancer the other just had a massive stroke) my mom is really feeling mortality and wants to get everything in order. But I also think she has one foot in the grave. How long will that last? I don't know. There are still good days and bad days.

Is it selfish of me to want to learn how to make candy? Is it selfish that I don't want the greatness of it all to die with her?

Yeah it's 4 am and I'm talking nonsense, and stuff that's waaaaaaay too serious. But sometimes you have to stop and wonder about these kinds of things.

..... Who set the alarm for 4am? Dang kids.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bored and tired

Sitting here contemplating why I allowed my ex to find my "new life" on the internet. I left all that behind and tried to start something new.

Things are kindof messed up, I'll have to go into more detail later.

Right now I am streaming live on Ustream at but I plan on going to bed eventually since I need to leave early to make the train.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Derby participation cetificate

Derby participation cetificate, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

"Most Righteous"

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We won our second race!

We won our second race!, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

Two so far avg times.... 6th place. 16 total races. as of this post 2 left

The competition heats up!! race getting started!

Some thick competition tonight!! weight was too little, had to glue on 4 pennies. final weight was 5 oz after pennies and graphite. we are car 15.

OH... more info about the final car design

At the last minute when we were going to redesign the spoiler, Skyler decided he didn't want it. That saved some headaches, I was sure to break it again. Note for the future? Carve spoiler from scraps, sand and paint separately, attach finished spoiler to finished car.

Off to the races... literally!

Another view of the finished car

Another view of the finished car, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

He wanted a CTR Racer. awwwwww!

Here it is finished!

Here it is finished!, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

Were you ever going to see it? wish us luck tonight.

Can i handle a drill? survey says...

Heh. more photos.

Adding weights and wheels to derby car

Now it will only let me send one at a time. grr.

MMS slideshoe (stupid tiny qwerty keypad) worked out well for derby car photos

First time using that phone to make a SLIDESHOW... not a slideshoe. What is a slideshoe, anyway?

I have some more of the progress to get to the end result, achieved at 2 am.

Photos of painted derby car

Photos of painted derby car, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

Mms slideshoe. curious as to how it gets converted. we will see!

Photos of painted derby car

Photos of painted derby car, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

Mms slideshoe. curious as to how it gets converted. we will see!

Monday, May 12, 2008

More derby car photos - painted 1

Here are more derby car photos. derby is tomorrow night. I need a drill and weights. have no idea what to do. help!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Moms - this is for you!

Instead of saying it just play it for your kids. LOL.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

As promised, pinewood derby car photos.

They were taken with my phone, apologies for the multiple messages to get the job done.

My mom believes I won't be able to use the leftover pinewood to make a new spoiler - but I don't agree with her. Some websites have things like plastic guns in their kits, check out this Pinewood Derby site. So I think fixing our original design won't be a problem.

Pinewood derby car 5

Pinewood derby car 5, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

Close up of the back window "shade" that will be painted black. btw, the car will be "nascar blue" - the color blue of the Lowes car.

Pinewood derby car 4

Pinewood derby 4, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

Can you tell this was fun? I think I am proud of it mainly because I have had fun with it so far. skyler picked out the design and helped with some of the sanding. he will help later with the painting. this is after final very fine grain sanding. ready to glue on spoiler.

Pinewood derby car 3

Pinewood derby car 3, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

Hmm. first sanding. sans spoiler, it ended up being too weak.

Pinewood derby car 2

Pinewood derby car 2, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

Original cut, staight from jigsaw. power tools ftw.

Pinewood derby car 1

Pinewood derby car 1, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

First of many. original design for car.

.... no words to describe this....

The bank just called to notify me that my account has been frozen, due to a garnishment placed on my account and also on my ex's account (separate accounts at the same bank). I haven't lived in Wyoming for nearly a year - I wasn't served so my only guess is that the ex was served at his house. He never told me about it.

Like I'm rich, or have an account somewhere else. Wonderful! There goes my direct deposit paycheck I can't change without at least 2 weeks notice, and my IRS stimulus. I have a 4-foot lovesac I need to sell, I have a stereo system I need to sell, and will work a second or third job for $$. Any ideas or help you can offer is appreciated. I will be evicted if I can't pay my rent by the 17th.

So... if any friends or family members are reading and paying attention, please call me, I could use your help. I hate to beg, but I've got my children to consider and we can't go to the street.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I've been bad....

I've been so bad. Sorry! Things have been hectic around here. Trying to keep my head above water, dealing with the possibility of knee surgery... working on my son's pinewood derby car.... you name it.

I'll be posting the derby car photos in a minute. It's not done, it's far from it - still have to put on the after-market spoiler (since the original broke off) and paint and detail it.

I got my hair cut a week ago. Or should I say, HACKED. Serves me right, going to Wal-Mart for a haircut. Are there any decent salons around here that don't charge $100? I've gone to Fran Brown before, but I've had bad haircuts there too. Nobody knows how to layer anymore. It's retarded! However, a co-worker gave me a card for Salon of Italy which I will have to give a try. Looks pricy like Fran Brown, but I'll try anything once.

More later (like the pics)!

Friday, May 2, 2008


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wow, it's been interesting....

Someone has recently reminded me that my last update was like, a month ago. Things have gotten pretty hectic. Things are getting more fast paced at work, so I'm not wasting time like I was used to. DARN! :) Also, I've had some projects recently that have taken a lot of my attention.

As I have stated, my mom is in the candy business. Well, up until my dad died, she was in the candy business. After that - she's been sortof not quite in the candy business - she doesn't like to go down to the studio shop that my dad built. I don't blame her. But it is her only means of income. She's not young anymore, and she has bad feet - working for "the man" again wouldn't work for her. I created and manage her website. Candy season is Halloween through Mother's Day. As time progresses, she's getting more into things. This year has been pretty light, for her and for me. For next season, I think she will decide if she wants to continue doing it or not.

My uncle is getting very old, and is not well at all. He's been diagnosed with prostate cancer, and it has spread throughout his body and has started to get into the bone. He doesn't have much longer. My prayers are with him, and my mom - as she has now lost 7 people in about a 15 month period, with her brother not far behind.

Recently, my mom ended up with some family history we didn't know about. Come to find out my great-great-great Grandparents (on my Grandpa's side) were converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Ireland and decided to join the rest of the Saints in their migration west. My grandfather was part of the Mormon Militia and was a bodyguard for the Prophet Joseph Smith. Wow. Anyway, I was "commissioned" to read the stories that were provided to my mom and record them for my uncle who is nearly blind and very hard of hearing as well. That was interesting, and definitely gave me new perspective on my life and where it was heading. It also made me ponder... what kind of legacy will I leave behind for MY children?

More later, but I thought I'd at least give you this much!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Bookshelf is LOADED and we are MOVING IN TODAY!

I'm sitting here wondering if I've gone over the weight limit for this thing. This isn't all the books I have, either. But the bottom two shelves had to be used for VHS movies the kids got for Christmas (that huge Christmas I told you about a few months ago). Now I just have to find the VCR!

MOVING DAY! Today is the day I unplug the computer and take over all the stuff from inside the house. Before, it was all stuff from storage and the things I just got recently from a trip back to see the.... ex and his dog. I mean, girlfriend.

I'll take some more photos when we are settled. For now, here's the loaded bookshelf (no man to put things together for me - I've always put together the pressed wood furniture now that I think about it).

Friday, March 7, 2008

Has it ever taken you 3 days to put together a piece of furniture?

I ask only because it took me THREE DAYS to put together this bookshelf. My new place is a mess - I've been moving in for three weeks - and we still haven't slept there yet. It's tiring.

Anyway, the living room is full of about 5 boxes of books. I had to put the bookshelf together to finish putting things away so I wasn't tripping over them. It was fun finding a spot on the floor to do it.... with all the boxes everywhere, I had to block the front door (the only way in and out, the back door is blocked by other boxes!! Hope I don't have a fire....) because the thing is taller than I am. Boy, that was fun to step over!!

Anyway, here's a photo of the bookshelf that took three days to put together. Sorry it's bad - it came from my phone.

As far as putting together the rest of the house - the bathroom was first. OK so I'm strange - but I wanted ONE nice room in the house, and the bathroom is the easiest. It helps me to know that eventually, the rest of the house will be nice too. I took more photos with my phone, but it doesn't have a flash and I took the pictures at midnight in a dark house. I'll take the other camera over and take some better pictures.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sending messages from my phone - interesting

OK so it's not the best photo in the world, but it's me and it's real. Only about a year old (or less).

Hey. Thought i would try this.

This message was sent using PIX-FLIX Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!
To learn how you can snap pictures with your wireless phone visit

To learn how you can record videos with your wireless phone visit

To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required. Visit to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime® Player. Note: During the download
process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wow, it's been over a month!

Sorry it's been a while. Not like anybody really reads this thing but me, it's still a great place to vent and stuff.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Goodbye 250's! On the road to the SEXY new me!

Yeah, so I'm fat. I never claimed not to be. If you had my husband for 10 years you'd have crappy self-esteem too. You'd find love in food and drown your troubles in it.

No more.

I cheated this morning, I weighed again. I'm really only supposed to weigh once a week, so that way at each weigh-in I feel like I've accomplished something. I'm down 7 lbs from my starting weight, and have said goodbye to the 250's. The good thing is, I'm not 5' tall. I'm nearly 6' tall, so 248 lbs on me looks different than on a short person. Not justifying my weight, but at least I won't have to wear a tent for clothes much longer.

I've decided to give up my membership to the gym. I never used it, and don't want to. It was a couples membership I got with the ex. I'm taking my name off the contract so he can add his girlfriend that lives with him. My stomach turns every time I even think about her.

Am I jealous? I don't think so. What I'm upset about is how blind I was to the fact he had a relationship with her long before my father died in July. The ex can blame my mom for busting our relationship up, but you know what - he did it a year and a half ago when he made the internet and his online girlfriends and his porn more important than his family.

Enough of that, I'm still depressed over the XBOX. Not like I can use it while I live here, but I'd at least like to know it works, you know?


So a co-worker talked to me about 24-hour Fitness. I think I'm going to try them. For the main reason that they are the company that promotes the Biggest Loser. And there were people competing for the show here. So they are used to fat, out of shape people who are determined to lose weight. That's me. I want to walk into that courtroom as skinny and sexy as possible, so that the ex is drooling all over something he will be forever kicking himself because he gave it up and will never have it again. The satisfaction I will feel when I show him and his butt-ugly girlfriend that I AM sexy, that I AM the hottest thing there is, and HA HA you gave it up. It will be priceless, and the only payback I will need.

I will need all the support I can get. Please leave comments, subscribe to my feeds... I need to know that I'm not alone, that I can really do this, and show the world who I really am.

Micro$oft sucks Round II

Well, the XBOX came back today, sans power brick and cord. When I sent it back the third time they told me to include the power brick and cord. I am excited to see the box on my bed when I get home, start yanking it out, get all the connector cables and the controller and hike out to the living room. Went back to get the controller, came back to the TV and was beginning to hook it up... when I saw I didn't have power. Went back to look in the box, and it wasn't there. I was so ticked off, I called Micro$oft. Another two hours on the phone, and my insistence they send the power brick overnight. They wouldn't do it. I've had it. I'm tired of outsourced out-of-country support (you know where I'm talking about) where they don't know what customer service is or how to even talk to people. No wonder Bill Gates is ready to retire, Micro$oft has outsourced all their support to English-as-a-second-language countries to make more of a profit. I don't get it.

I noticed the serial number. They sent me a different box. So whether it works or not, who knows. It is 6 months newer than the one I sent in. But I won't be able to test it until that stupid power brick comes that they say is going to take two weeks for me to get. Unacceptable, but what other choice do I have? Put an ax through the machine and send it back?

Typical Micro$oft, you know? And just so you know, don't plan on ever getting a refund if you have a monthly membership to XBOX Live. Just because your box is in the shop they still expect you to use your service. Go figure.

Does anybody know if you still retain your gamertag when you cancel, or do you have to get another one? I'd love to get another one, to be honest. The ex came up with the one we have, and I have the Live membership. All I need is yet another reminder of what he did to his family.

I'm so ready for the divorce, it's not even funny.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I've lost weight! First milestone

I weighed this morning and I was happy. I started my diet on Weight Watchers about a week ago. I've had my ups and downs, days when I was on plan and days when I was off. But I still lost 5 pounds! I'm trying to exercise as much as I can. Yay for me.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Armageddon and Food Storage - Home for sale

You know, I'm not one of those people that always have something profound to say. In fact, I'm probably the least profound person you will ever meet. Sometimes I wish I was more like my father. He was great at enlightening someone with what he said.

My mom has decided to go to grief counseling. I say it's past due. She's got 10 days to get it done or she'll have to pay for it herself. She needs to find a way to cope, deal with her feelings and find her independence.

They have lived in this house for almost 30 years. I spent most of my childhood here, and it's really the only home I can remember. She's contemplating selling it. I think it's a good choice. There are some adult communities close, and she could get a ground floor condo. I just wish the housing market was better for her. She's got a custom built candy shop in the basement. Commercial sink, gas burner (for a big copper kettle), a cream beater, an electric range, a hand sink, and custom cabinetry that holds her stock in finished chocolates. She's also got a brand new cash register. I believe she could get about $250k for the house. The basement is fully finished, separate entry for the shop, and an extra kitchen downstairs - also full of custom cabinets. There is no range, only a fridge and a sink. There is an enormous built in food storage pantry that is walk in. It's great. A large family room downstairs with a brick wall meant for a pellet stove and/or gas fireplace. They never got that installed. Three bedrooms. Three bathrooms. One bedroom has a custom built organizer in the closet (they used that room as an office).

So, if you or anyone you know of is looking to buy a house for a small family that has any type of cooking hobbies and hoards food storage for Armageddon, this is the place! Carpet allowance included - carpet is old and worn, it was installed nearly 20 years ago. Agents welcome.

Talk about a Monday!

Today was bad. I woke up late, the kids wouldn't get out of bed, I almost drove off without taking my lunch, I was nearly late for work and then come to find out we had someone call in sick. Yay. So the work was difficult today, very busy and I felt like I didn't get much accomplished. Have you ever had days where you were just spinning in circles? That was today.

I went to exchange the last top at Fashion Bug and I went to exchange the car seat covers I bought. Now tomorrow I have to clean out the car, clean my room and do laundry.

I suddenly got very tired, it's only 9:30pm. Today has wore me out.

Sunday struggles

Well, today was my first Sunday of the New Year. My bishop called me to the primary. I was suprised, he knew I was a smoker but he also knows I'm struggling with it and trying to quit. He understands and that gives me hope. The fact that I'm not judged for my struggles from a previous life makes me really feel like I can be a primary teacher, and can be a good example to kids. Maybe this is what I need to quit - being a teacher and a role model.

My room is a mess, I went through my storage unit over the weekend to get my church bag - that had all my previous primary saved lessons in it, hoping to save myself some time from lessons that are already prepared. A lot of old church stuff in that backpack, and it was beaten from use and heavy books, scriptures and every other thing I would carry in it. So I went and picked up a new backpack. I've loaded nearly the same stuff in it, but the construction on the new one seems to be better. I think it will hold up longer than the first one. Only time will tell.

I blew my diet this weekend. I had an incurable sweet tooth, and it made me sad. We all know that sugar creates hunger - and that's exactly what it did. I had an incurable sweet tooth and it took me until today to figure out the more I eat the more I want. ACK! Not good. So I'm going back to plan tomorrow.

It's late. I just got finished with the emails I do for work. 211 emails to start off with, 1/2 junk the rest had to be answered. I got about 2/3 of the way done. There were just way too many.

The road conditions are supposed to be crappy tomorrow morning, so I'm headed to bed since I need to plan on an extra 1/2 hour because of traffic and the slickness of the road.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


I'm tired. Today was a long day. I had to have my car in the shop to have the brakes repaired but I knew I would need to do it while I was at work. I had no choice but to go to the dealer and have them shuttle me to work. That alone was a pain. And costly. Hasn't anyone ever told you not to have the dealer work on a vehicle unless it's warranty service?

I took back everything I got at Fashion Bug yesterday. I couldn't afford all that stuff for one, and because most of it I ended up not liking once I got home and could try it in REAL light in a REAL mirror. I traded them for some other things, and got a bunch of my money back.

I did well on Weight Watchers today - I used all my points but I didn't go over. I cheated though, and weighed this morning just out of curiosity and I had already dropped a pound. Yay. The stuff I traded at Fashion Bug I got some cute things that are too small, so they will look better when I lose 5-20 lbs. My goal is to be down 15 lbs by the end of January. I don't want to drop it fast, I've done that before and ended up regretting it.

Other things of note, I've got an appointment with an attorney on Monday for my divorce. I'm also doing better with smoking, though I haven't quit yet. I don't go out for smoke breaks when I'm at work anymore, it stays busy enough and thankfully when I'm on the computer I don't have that urge for nicotine. It's after when my brain is more dormant that I have a problem. So I think the trick will be to keep my brain active and concentrating on other things.

I guess I should start taking some pictures so I can do a before and after thing. I know I'm pretty, I'm just fat and depressed. But I'm working on that. Having the opportunity to go clothes shopping and purchase a 14/16 blouse rather than a 22/24 blouse is a positive experience. I hope to be able to purchase one cute thing every time I drop significant weight where I can't get away with wearing the larger clothes anymore.

OK I've got movies to watch and review. Hasta lasagna, don't get any on ya.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The First REAL DAY of Weight Watchers....

I really didn't do that badly. I'm actually quite happy about it. I picked the FLEX plan, the one with the points. I feel it gives me a system I can understand, and it gives me the chance to retrain my thinking about what I eat. I love the WWOnline program, and entering everything I eat. It makes a daily food journal EASY as PIE. Speaking of pie, I had lots and lots of food today, didn't go hungry, and still had 9.5 points left at the end of the day.

I love the fact that broccoli and green salad is free, and my favorite dressing is free, and I can have what I want. Though I don't like a lot of dressing, it's nice to be able to have ranch dressing on a salad without visually seeing the pounds heading toward my mouth.

I know this is going to work. I enjoyed today, I had fun with my food (without playing with it) and I feel anxious to start tomorrow. A few more days of this and maybe I'll even hit the gym! The ex is paying for a couple's membership, but we live 160 miles apart. To cancel our membership, it's a $400 buyout. So he hasn't done it yet. May as well use it, huh?

Today was the first day back to work after the holiday. Boy could I tell. It had Monday written all over it, and we were very busy.

On the way home from work, I decided to stop off at Fashion Bug (it's cheaper than Torrid and actually on my way) to see if I could get some pants. I'm losing weight, I've lost a pant size even with the holidays... so I don't want anything expensive or loose fitting. They have to look good even when tight, because they will have to travel with me as I lose several pant sizes. I hate shopping alone, I can't ever figure out what looks good on me. I can guess, but that's all it is - a guess. I hate taking the kids with me when I shop, they are monsters. So consequently I bought 7 pairs of pants and a pair of shoes to bring home and get a 2nd opinion. To make a long story short, all but the shoes and one pair of pants are going back. I swear I had 20 pair off the rack - and I think my maybe's and no's got confused because I brought pants home I didn't want, and was missing the pants I DID want. So I'm going back tomorrow to take the other 6 pair back and get a pair of brown pants that I tried on today and somehow just didn't buy.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I think I broke it...

I was playing World of Warcraft and all of a sudden my screen went funny and the program crashed. Odd.

I do remember how to play the game, I just don't remember where I was, what I was doing or what happened to my friends. I guess that went when my subscription expired a year ago? :P

Anyway, I've played with it enough for tonight. Time for bed. If anybody plays WoW or knows anybody who plays it, please let me know. I need friends.

What to do with a four-day weekend?

I've been trying for 3 days to play World of Warcraft. I went through storage the other day when the ex was here, and found some computer games that weren't in my CD binder. So I thought I'd play something new, since I don't have an XBOX!

I ran the game I had installed, and had to do a handful of updates. Understandable, it's probably been a year since I played and I didn't even expect them to save my character after all this time. However, this wasn't enough. I went to try and sign in, and it kept going. I fell asleep before it finished. So yesterday I tried again, and finally got to the point it would let me login, but I forgot to reset my account and get the billing turned on. I went to the website and found out I could get a free 10-day trial to the Burning Crusade addon - so I said, OK. I've already spent the last two days downloading updates so I could play, what's another few hours. Again, I fell asleep waiting.

Fast forward to today, and I finally got everything downloaded. Finally got all the updates working with each other and can sign in. My character is still there! Wow, I'm actually happy, even though I don't remember a thing about this game. Oh well, I've still got 6 hours or so to find out!