"Most Righteous"
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
We won our second race!
Two so far avg times.... 6th place. 16 total races. as of this post 2 left
Posted at 7:26 PM 0 comments
The competition heats up!! race getting started!
Some thick competition tonight!! weight was too little, had to glue on 4 pennies. final weight was 5 oz after pennies and graphite. we are car 15.
Posted at 7:01 PM 0 comments
OH... more info about the final car design
At the last minute when we were going to redesign the spoiler, Skyler decided he didn't want it. That saved some headaches, I was sure to break it again. Note for the future? Carve spoiler from scraps, sand and paint separately, attach finished spoiler to finished car.
Off to the races... literally!
Posted at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Tags: Cub Scouts, Hobbies, mom, Pinewood Derby
Here it is finished!
Were you ever going to see it? wish us luck tonight.
Posted at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Adding weights and wheels to derby car
Now it will only let me send one at a time. grr.
Posted at 2:19 PM 0 comments
MMS slideshoe (stupid tiny qwerty keypad) worked out well for derby car photos
First time using that phone to make a SLIDESHOW... not a slideshoe. What is a slideshoe, anyway?
I have some more of the progress to get to the end result, achieved at 2 am.
Posted at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Tags: Crafts, Cub Scouts, Hobbies, kids, mobile blogging, mom, Pinewood Derby, web 2.0
Photos of painted derby car
Mms slideshoe. curious as to how it gets converted. we will see!
Posted at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Photos of painted derby car
Mms slideshoe. curious as to how it gets converted. we will see!
Posted at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
More derby car photos - painted 1
Here are more derby car photos. derby is tomorrow night. I need a drill and weights. have no idea what to do. help!!
Posted at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Moms - this is for you!
Instead of saying it just play it for your kids. LOL.
Posted at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Because I said so, Funny, mom, Videos, YouTube
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
As promised, pinewood derby car photos.
They were taken with my phone, apologies for the multiple messages to get the job done.
My mom believes I won't be able to use the leftover pinewood to make a new spoiler - but I don't agree with her. Some websites have things like plastic guns in their kits, check out this Pinewood Derby site. So I think fixing our original design won't be a problem.
Posted at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Tags: Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Pinewood Derby
Pinewood derby car 5
Close up of the back window "shade" that will be painted black. btw, the car will be "nascar blue" - the color blue of the Lowes car.
Posted at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Pinewood derby car 4
Can you tell this was fun? I think I am proud of it mainly because I have had fun with it so far. skyler picked out the design and helped with some of the sanding. he will help later with the painting. this is after final very fine grain sanding. ready to glue on spoiler.
Posted at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Pinewood derby car 3
Hmm. first sanding. sans spoiler, it ended up being too weak.
Posted at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Pinewood derby car 2
Original cut, staight from jigsaw. power tools ftw.
Posted at 11:16 PM 0 comments
.... no words to describe this....
The bank just called to notify me that my account has been frozen, due to a garnishment placed on my account and also on my ex's account (separate accounts at the same bank). I haven't lived in Wyoming for nearly a year - I wasn't served so my only guess is that the ex was served at his house. He never told me about it.
Like I'm rich, or have an account somewhere else. Wonderful! There goes my direct deposit paycheck I can't change without at least 2 weeks notice, and my IRS stimulus. I have a 4-foot lovesac I need to sell, I have a stereo system I need to sell, and will work a second or third job for $$. Any ideas or help you can offer is appreciated. I will be evicted if I can't pay my rent by the 17th.
So... if any friends or family members are reading and paying attention, please call me, I could use your help. I hate to beg, but I've got my children to consider and we can't go to the street.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I've been bad....
I've been so bad. Sorry! Things have been hectic around here. Trying to keep my head above water, dealing with the possibility of knee surgery... working on my son's pinewood derby car.... you name it.
I'll be posting the derby car photos in a minute. It's not done, it's far from it - still have to put on the after-market spoiler (since the original broke off) and paint and detail it.
I got my hair cut a week ago. Or should I say, HACKED. Serves me right, going to Wal-Mart for a haircut. Are there any decent salons around here that don't charge $100? I've gone to Fran Brown before, but I've had bad haircuts there too. Nobody knows how to layer anymore. It's retarded! However, a co-worker gave me a card for Salon of Italy which I will have to give a try. Looks pricy like Fran Brown, but I'll try anything once.
More later (like the pics)!
Posted at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Tags: Cub Scouts, Family, knee surgery, Pinewod Derby, salons, style