Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kerry at the Bees vs Sidewinders game

Kerry had a hard time seeing the batter, was kindof sad. The lady who sat in front of him invited him to sit on her row, since there was nobody in front of her and he could see really good. What a nice lady!

Skyler at the Bees vs Sidewinders game

My work took us to the Salt Lake Bees game. It was great. We won, 8-2.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Random phone photography

Random phone photography, originally uploaded by jcleftie.

Switched mobile carriers, but I definitely prefer the other camera, the Samsung. The razr just isn't as good as I would prefer.

More later, we have to get ready for a yard sale.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Where has the time gone?

What the...?? August is 1/2 over? GEEZ. Look what happens when you don't pay attention.

Knee surgery is on the 29th, so I'm sure you'll get your fix with my updates then.

School starts on the 25th, yay.

More.... eventually. Sorry!