Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Rants Part I

OK I've been looking for my keys ALL FREAKIN' DAY. I have had the xbox packed and ready to be shipped only I couldn't leave because the car keys were nowhere to be found. I was in severe need of Mountain Dew - which also inconveniently was in the car. Since the temperatures are lower now, the car is where I store my 12-pack boxes.

Now that the keys are found (they were hiding on the table - which is covered by all the Christmas gift-giving stuff - the gifts, the bags, ribbons, paper, lists... you name it. It's amazing I found the keys at all.

The kids are driving me crazy today. I don't know why they are so bored, I've had them doing things all day. I can't wait for Christmas vacation to be over and they go back to school. These guys are monkeys. They are never quiet, and always have to be saying something. Hours and hours of nothing. Seinfeld kid style, with tantrums and whining included.