Well, I've decided to start on my 2008 Resolution List early this year. Due to all the roller coaster events I call my life, it is time to make some changes. I plan on tackling these one at a time, so that way I'm successful.
I have been thinking about my weight. My family harps on me, and I know I'm overweight. You know what though? I don't think of myself as fat, I think of myself as I was in high school. I just don't look that way. Depression has a big hold on my life, and because of that, many other things affect me.
My goals for 2008 are as follows (not in this order, this is just my 'draft'):
- Get the divorce filed, and move on with my life. That doesn't need any more explanation and that is the most important thing to me.
- Quit smoking. I've smoked for so many years, this takes medicine to stop the cravings.
- Get control of my depression. This will in turn affect everything else and help me be more successful in the other things I have to do.
- Move out. I love my mom, but I'm an adult with kids. She wants to sell the house. I love the house, but I am not in a position to buy it from her. I will have to make memories elsewhere.
- Remain active in my church and activities. I enjoy going to church, I feel loved, accepted and appreciated for who I am - all my faults included.
- Lose weight. A lot of weight. I figure in a year, I can lose everything I need to. 2 pounds a week, by next Christmas I'll be right where I want to be. How will I accomplish this? I've been contemplating since last summer about joining Weight Watchers. My brother, his wife and my mom all do Nutrisystem but I don't think that's for me. I like some of their food, but I'm also not a freeze dried person. It is convenient, but I don't want to eat prepackaged food for an entire year, sorry. My whole goal is to retrain my body into making the right choices and decisions when it comes to my eating. A meal in a box won't do that.
I'll add more as I come up with stuff. Wish me luck. If you talk to me, encourage me. Don't demean what I'm doing, don't look down on me because I have a poor self image. I have a history of heart disease, obesity, cancer (various types), and diabetes (both types) in my family. I had a cousin who died when he was my age from a massive heart attack. He was very heavy, and too young to die.
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